Author: Ela Joshi
Mathematics, 3D Printing, and Computational Thinking Through Work-Based Learning (MPACT): An Education Innovation and Research (EIR) Grant Evaluation—Technical Report
This report presents findings from an evaluation of MPACT, which provides teacher professional development, and STEM industry mentoring and project-based learning for grade 4–7 students in geometry, computational thinking and spatial reasoning.
Unpacking the Relationship Between Classroom Teacher Characteristics and Time to English Learner Reclassification
Drawing from a longitudinal administrative dataset from Tennessee, this study uses discrete-time survival analysis to estimate the relationship between ELs’ likelihood of reclassification and characteristics of their general education English language arts (ELA) teachers in Grades 3–8.
Study of the Engage New England Initiative Cross-Site Learning Brief 4: Early Insights from Academic Case Conferencing
The Barr Foundation launched the Engage New England Initiative in 2017 to support the development of innovative schools to serve students who are off track to graduate from high school.
Designing Schools with and for Students: Lessons Learned from the Engage New England Initiative
This research brief identifies promising strategies for embracing student voice in school design based on the experience of Engage New England (ENE) grantees.