Brazil, historically a resource- and industrial-based economy, must become a knowledge-based economy to achieve its economic and social goals. This will require significant investments in science and technology to encourage innovation and entrepreneurship and accelerate economic development.
Santa Catarina, one of the southernmost states in Brazil, has set the stage for this transformation. SRI was recently invited to its capital city, Florianopolis, where Innovation Center Acate Primavera opened. The Santa Catarina Association of Technology Companies’ (ACATE) goal is for this center to serve as a reference for innovation. As part of the Santa Catarina state government innovation initiative, the Department of Sustainable Economic Development sponsored workshops where SRI trained and coached directors and leaders of the network of 13 innovation centers that will be launched all over the state.

At the grand opening, Dennis Tsu, executive director of SRI’s Center for Innovation Leadership, described how innovation occurs and what other governments have done to accelerate it. My colleague made several salient points, including the regional impact of these types of innovation centers and how the challenge now is to encourage doing business not only in Brazil, but for the entire world.
I introduced the purpose of the science and technology park and how it could support innovation in the state. We helped the representatives from universities, companies and governments who were in attendance and will be responsible for implementing these parks across the state develop business plans for their respective parks.
SRI is proud to support Santa Catarina with this project. We look forward to helping improve the visibility of the science and technology parks, and the companies and innovations they produce, to the venture capital community.
SRI’s Center for Science, Technology and Economic Development is a team steeped in economic analysis and strategy experience, and an understanding of the value of science and technology. In addition to Brazil, we’re currently working on projects in Nebraska, Chile, and the United Arab Emirates—all aimed at driving, fostering and supporting innovation globally.