Innovation strategy and policy

Innovating for economic growth

The Center for Innovation Strategy and Policy (CISP) collaborates with federal agencies, R&D institutions, regions, and countries to achieve long-term economic and social impact through effective investments in science, technology, and innovation. 

Staffed with experienced professionals with diverse, interdisciplinary skills, we deliver creative and custom services in the following areas: science and technology program development and support; technology-based economic and workforce development strategies; innovation ecosystem assessment; complex program evaluation; innovation training to build internal capacity; and advanced analytics using AI and machine learning.

Real-world impact

Read more

  • Regional Economic Connectivity: A place-based strategy for growth and equity

    Regional Economic Connectivity: A place-based strategy for growth and equity

    SRI worked with the Initiative for a Competitive Inner City to understand and recommend paths for communities to connect and thrive.

  • Carbon Dioxide Removal Innovation Workshop

    Carbon Dioxide Removal Innovation Workshop

    SRI International and SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory are hosting a Carbon Dioxide Removal (CDR) Innovation Workshop

  • SRI looks at how Wisconsin can revitalize its auto manufacturing industry

    SRI looks at how Wisconsin can revitalize its auto manufacturing industry

    SRI’s Center for Innovation Strategy and Policy shows how the state can achieve a thriving electronic vehicle manufacturing hub.

Practice areas

Some of our innovators

Claire Lecornu headshot

“SRI is one of the precious few organizations with deep expertise in innovation strategy and policy. It’s a pleasure to work with colleagues who have the same baseline understanding that innovation is as much a social phenomenon as a technological one, shaping our tools to share meaning and to explore and build.”

Claire LecornuProject leader, Center for Innovation Strategy and Policy

SRI Consulting®

CISP works with SRI Consulting to provide training and consulting services to help clients build entrepreneurship and innovation.