Build IT: Girls Developing Information Technology Fluency Through Design. Annual Report Year 2


Koch, M. et al. (August, 2007). Build IT: Girls Developing Information Technology Fluency through Design. Annual Report Year 2. Menlo Park, CA: SRI International.


SRI International and Girls Incorporated of Alameda County (Girls Inc.) are collaborating to create and implement Build IT, an after school and summer youth-based curriculum for low income middle school girls (sixth, seventh, and eighth grades) to develop IT fluency, interest in mathematics, and knowledge of IT careers. Build IT, a cornerstone of the Girls Inc. middle school program, is a problem-based curriculum that capitalizes on girlsā€™ interest in design and communication technologies and incorporates performance tasks for IT fluency assessment. The curricular, professional development, and assessment materials developed during this NSFfunded 3 year project will reach 150 girls initially and be portable to 1,500 Girls Inc. program sites that reach more than 600,000 girls annually.

The Build IT team is developing a coherent portable program for girls to learn about, design, and
use information technologies in IT activities

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