Can An Intelligent Tutoring System Predict Math Proficiency As Well As A Standardized Test?


Feng, M., Beck, J,. Heffernan, N., & Koedinger, K. (2008) Can an Intelligent Tutoring System Predict Math Proficiency as Well as a Standardized Test? In Baker & Beck (Eds.) Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Education Data Mining (pp.107-116). Montreal.


It has been reported in previous work that studentsā€™ online tutoring data collected from intelligent tutoring systems can be used to build models to predict actual state test scores. In this paper, we replicated a previous study to model studentsā€™ math proficiency by taking into consideration studentsā€™ response data during the tutoring session and their help-seeking behavior. To extend our previous work, we propose a new method of using students test scores from multiple years (referred to as cross-year data) for determining whether a student model is as good as the standardized test to which it is compared at estimating student math proficiency. We show that our model can do as well as a standardized test. We show that what we assess has prediction ability two years later. We stress that the contribution of the paper is the methodology of using student cross-year state test score to evaluate a student model against a standardized test.

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