Using Indicator Data to Drive K–12 STEM Improvements in States and Districts: Implications and Recommendations for Leaders and Policymakers – Executive Summary


Lach, M. (2016). Using Indicator Data to Drive K–12 STEM Improvements in States and Districts: Implications and Recommendations for Leaders and Policymakers (SRI Education White Paper). Menlo Park, CA: SRI International


SRI Education recruited three education policy experts to contribute concept papers that explore the research and policy implications of the STEM indicators system. Together, these papers can guide policymakers, researchers, and educators through the potential implications and implementation of the STEM education indicator system. In this paper, Using Indicator Data to Drive K-12 STEM Improvements in States & Districts: Implications for Leaders & Policymakers, Michael Lach of the University of Chicago details how district and state education leaders might use the indicator system to improve STEM education. The indicators may raise leaders’ awareness and prioritization of key issues in STEM education, including quality STEM instructional materials, leadership for principals, and time allocated to teach science. The full concept paper is also available.

For more on the STEM Education indicators, refer to the Developing a K-12 STEM Education Indicator System page.

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