World Links For Development Student Assessment: Uganda Field Test 2000


Quellmalz, E.S., Zalles, D. (2001). World Links for Development Student Assessment: Uganda Field Test 2000. SRI International. 2001.


In 1997, the World Bankā€™s Economic Development Institution launched the World Links for Development, or WorLD. The WorLD Program aims to establish global, educational on line communities for secondary school students and teachers around the world in order to expand distance learning opportunities, enhance cultural understanding across nations, build broad support for economic and social development, and train teachers to integrate information technology into the classroom. The WorLD Program consists of five components:

ā€¢ Internet connectivity for secondary schools in developing countries.

ā€¢ Training and educational content to promote economic and social development.

ā€¢ Regional and global partnerships with public, private, and non-governmental organizations.

ā€¢ Telecommunications policy advice for the education sector.

ā€¢ Monitoring and evaluation support.

To gather information about program implementation and impacts, the World Bank contracted with the Center for Technology in Learning at SRI International to provide monitoring and evaluation support. The goal of the WorLD Monitoring and Evaluation activity is to provide the World Bank and the educational ministries of participating developing countries with information they need to improve the Program and assess the return on the investment made by the Bank and its contributors. The Monitoring and Evaluation methods include teacher and student surveys, case studies, and student assessments. This report summarizes the results of a field test
conducted in Uganda in 2000 of one set of student assessment forms. The report opens with a description of the student assessment field test in the context of the WorLD Program implementation and the Monitoring and Evaluation activity.

We then describe: (1) the goals of the Uganda field test, (2) the outcomes tested by the student assessment instruments, (3) the design of the field test in Uganda, (4) the student sample, (5) the student assessment instruments, background questionnaires, administration procedures, and scoring rubrics, (6) the field test administration, (7) scoring and analysis, (8) results, and (9) summary and recommendations.

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