Meeting Structure Annotation


Gruenstein, A., Niekrasz, J., & Purver, M. (2008). Meeting structure annotation. In Recent Trends in Discourse and Dialogue (pp. 247-274). Springer, Dordrecht


We describe a generic set of tools for representing, annotating, and analysing multi-party discourse, including: an ontology of multimodal discourse, a programming interface for that ontology, and NOMOS – a flexible and extensible toolkit for browsing and annotating discourse. We describe applications built using the NOMOS framework to facilitate a real annotation task, as well as for visualising and adjusting features for machine learning tasks. We then present a set of hierarchical topic segmentations and action item subdialogues collected over 56 meetings from the ICSI and ISL meeting corpora using our tools. These annotations are designed to support research towards automatic meeting understanding.

Keywords: Topic segmentation, action items, annotation, media, discourse, dialogue, meetings, NOMOS

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