Author: SRI International


    PARC, now part of SRI, coined the phrase to describe cut-and-paste bit-mapped editing: What You See Is What You Get (also known as “wizsy-wig”).

  • Digital Processing of Breast Thermograms

    The Artificial Intelligence Center of SRI has digitized and processed a series of breast thermograms of positive patients. To improve the medical value of such imagery for the radiologist, several off-the-shelf algorithms have been applied to the digitized images.

  • The Structure of Task-Oriented Dialogs

    The discourse and task information in task oriented dialogs and their use in a speech understand system are discussed in this paper. 

  • ISIS: An Interactive Facility for Scene Analysis Research

    This paper summarizes initial progress in developing a computer system that can be rapidly programmed to analyze any class of pictorial scenes. We have constructed an interactive system specifically designed for expressing and experimenting with perceptual strategies.

  • Structure of Task Oriented Dialogs

    The discourse and task information in task oriented dialogs and their use in a speech understanding system are discussed in this paper.

  • Plan for a Computer-Based Consultant System

    This report describes the goals and plans for a five-year project to develop a computer-based system that will serve as an expert consultant to a human apprentice. Together, the system and the apprentice will be engaged in a task of “checking out” and repairing electro-mechanical equipment in a workstation domain.

  • A Best-First Parser

    The parser uses a best-first strategy in which alternative paths are assigned priorities and paths are suspended as long as there is a higher priority alternative to explore.

  • Artificial Intelligence – Research and Applications

    Our research program concentrates especially on the development of systems that can automatically generate and execute complex plans and that can obtain information about their environment through the sense of vision.

  • Performance Grammars

    Evidence is offered that linguistic competence cannot in principle be divorced from linguistic performance in order to abstract universal properties of grammars, that rules of grammar inevitably incorporate perceptual strategies and constraints, and that grammaticality and acceptability are related to predictability.

  • SRI Speech Understanding System

    The system is distinctive in the way that knowledge of various sources is coordinated by a “best-first” parser to predict the sequence of words in an utterance, and in the use of word functions–programs that represent the acoustic characteristics of a word–to test the predictions.

  • Object Recognition in Multisensory Scene Analysis

    A perception strategy for recognizing an object on the basis of color and range data is illustrated by finding a desk in an office scene.

  • Ethernet

    An internal memo at PARC, now part of SRI, proposed a system of linking workstations, files, and printers together using a coaxial cable within a local area network.