To get projects under way quickly, we offer government clients several options for contract vehicles.

General Services Administration Schedules

Indefinite delivery, indefinite quantity (IDIQ) contracts that are available for use by federal agencies worldwide.


The Navy’s electronic platform for acquiring support services.

California Multiple Award Schedule

Ensures fair, reasonable and competitive rates for state and local agencies in California.

SRI also participates in these contract schedules:

  • ATEC Mission Support Contracting Activity: APLS Sustainment / Task Ordering Agreement (TOA) only
  • CACI CIO-SP3 Government Wide Acquisition Contract (GWAC)
  • Defense Information Systems Agency (DISA) ENCORE II
  • Department of Education: Analytic Support for Policy & Program Analyses in PK-16 Education
  • Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) Program Support Center IDIQ contract
  • Enterprise Acquisition Gateway for Leading Edge Solutions II (EAGLE II)
  • Eunice Kennedy Shriver National Institute of Child Health and Human Development (DHHS/NICHD): Biological Testing Facility
  • GSA Alliant Government-wide Acquisition Contract (GWAC)
  • Information Technology Enterprise Solutions – 2 Services (ITES-2S)
  • National Cancer Institute (DHHS/NCI)
    • Analysis of Anti-Cancer Chemicals & Pharmaceutical Formulations
    • Preclinical Efficacy & Intermediate Endpoint Biomarkers
    • Preclinical Pharmacokinetic & Pharmacological Studies of Anticancer & Other Therapeutic Agents
    • Preclinical Pharmacology & Toxicology Studies
    • Preclinical Toxicology Study of Drugs Developed for Cancer & Other Diseases
    • NCI Experimental Therapeutics (NExT) Program Chemical Biology Consortium
    • Support GLP Safety Testing for Developed Vaccines
  • National Center for Advancing Translational Sciences (NCATS) (SAIC Frederick/Leidos) Support of the Therapeutics for Rare and Neglected Diseases (TRND)
  • National Center for Manufacturing Sciences: Robotics Technology Consortium
  • National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute (NHLBI):
    • Science Moving TowArds Research Translation and Therapy (SMARTT): Non-Biologics and Small Molecules Production Facility
    • Science Moving TowArds Research Translation and Therapy (SMARTT): Pharmacology and Toxicology Center
    • Metabolite Standards Synthesis Center
  • National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (DHHS/NIAID):
    • Preclinical Services for the Development of Interventional Agents for Infectious Diseases
    • Preclinical Development Services for AIDS Therapeutics
    • Radiation and Nuclear Medical Countermeasure Product Development Support Services (MCM)
    • Comprehensive Resources for HIV Microbicides and Biomedical Prevention: Product Manufacturing
  • National Institute of Mental Health (DHHS/NIMH): NIMH Toxicological Evaluation of Novel Ligands
  • National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke (DHHS/NINDS): Countermeasures Against Chemical Threats (Counter Act) Preclinical
  • National Institute on Aging (DHHS/NIA)
    • Synthesis & Preclinical Studies of New Treatment of Neurodegenerative Disease, Diabetes Mellitus, Congestive Heart Failure
  • National Institute on Drug Abuse (DHHS/NIDA): Pharmacology & Toxicology for Neurotherapeutics Program (PTNP)
  • National Science Foundation
    • Analytical & Technical Support Services IDIQ contract
    • NCSES (National Center for Science & Engineering Statistics) IDIQ contract
  • Naval Air Systems Command (NAVAIR): Basic Ordering Agreement (BOA) for SIMON Platform
  • Naval Surface Warfare Center: IDIQ contract
  • Rapid Response 3rd Generation (R23G) IDIQ contract
  • Strategic Service Sourcing (S3)
  • Substance Abuse & Mental Health Services Administration (DHHS/SAMHSA): Indefinite Delivery, Indefinite Quantity (IDIQ) contract
  • U.S. Army Research Development and Engineering Command (RDECOM) Natick Contracting Division: Integrated Base Defense – Force Protection Omnibus
  • U.S. Army Research Development and Engineering Command (RDECOM), Natick Contracting Division – IDIQ Force Protection Systems contract