Conflict Negotiation Among Personal Calendar Agents


Berry, P. M. and Albright, C. and Bowring, E. and Conley, K. and Nitz, K. and Pearce, J. P. and Peintner, B. and Saadati, S. and Tambe, M. and Uribe, T. and Yorke-Smith, N. Conflict Negotiation Among Personal Calendar Agents, in Proceedings of AAMASĀ’06 Demonstration Track, Hakodate, Japan, pp. 1564Ā–1571, May 2006.


This paper reports on our ongoing practical experience designing, implementing, and deploying PTIME, a personalized agent for time management and meeting scheduling in an open, multi-agent environment. In developing PTIME as part of a larger assistive agent called CALO, we have faced numerous challenges, including usability, multi-agent coordination, scalable constraint reasoning, robust execution, and unobtrusive learning. Our research efforts provide basic solutions to the fundamental problems; however, integrating PTIME into a deployed system has raised other important issues for the successful adoption of new technology. As a personal assistant, PTIME must integrate easily into a user’s real environment, support her normal workflow, respect her authority and privacy, provide natural user interfaces, and handle the issues that arise with deploying such a system in an open environment.

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