Accessing Services for Youth with Emotional Disturbances (ED) in and After High School

SRI author:


Wagner, M. M., Wei, X., Thornton, S. P., & Valdes, K. (2016). Accessing services for youth with emotional disturbances (ED) in and after high school. Career Development and Transition for Exceptional Individuals, 39 (3), 164–174.


This study uses data from the National Longitudinal Transition Study–2 to examine the rates at which youth with emotional disturbances received services during and up to 8 years after high school. Parents’ efforts to obtain services, information sources accessed, problems encountered, and the perceived sufficiency of services to meet youths’ needs are described. Findings show a drop in receipt rates for several services in the first 2 years post high school, relative to those received during high school, and a continued decrease thereafter. An increase in the reported effort to obtain services accompanied this decline in receipt rates. Implications for transition planning to build a better bridge from high school to the adult service systems are discussed and aspects of a research agenda are outlined.

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