Author: Colleen Richey
Speech‐based markers for post traumatic stress disorder in US veterans
This study demonstrates that a speech-based algorithm can objectively differentiate PTSD cases from controls.
Mapping Individual to Group Level Collaboration Indicators Using Speech Data
To address the challenge of mapping characteristics of individuals’ speech to information about the group, we coded behavioral and learning-related indicators of collaboration at the individual level.
Robust Speaker Recognition from Distant Speech under Real Reverberant Environments Using Speaker Embeddings
This article focuses on speaker recognition using speech acquired using a single distant or far-field microphone in an indoors environment.
Voices Obscured in Complex Environmental Settings (VOiCES) corpus
This work is a multi-organizational effort led by SRI International and Lab41 with the intent to push forward state-of-the-art distant microphone approaches in signal processing and speech recognition.
The SRI speech-based collaborative learning corpus
We introduce the SRI speech-based collaborative learning corpus, a novel collection designed for the investigation and measurement of how students collaborate together in small groups.
Privacy- preserving speech analytics for automatic assessment of student collaboration
This work investigates whether nonlexical information from speech can automatically predict the quality of small-group collaborations. Audio was collected from students as they collaborated in groups of three to solve math problems.
Spoken Interaction Modeling for Automatic Assessment of Collaborative Learning
This study investigates whether automatic audio- based monitoring of interactions can predict collaboration quality.
Classification of Lexical Stress Using Spectral and Prosodic Features for Computer-assisted Language Learning Systems
We present a system for detection of lexical stress in English words spoken by English learners. This system was designed to be part of the EduSpeak® computer-assisted language learning (CALL) software.
The SRI AVEC-2014 Evaluation System
We explore a diverse set of features based only on spoken audio to understand which features correlate with self-reported depression scores according to the Beck depression rating scale.
Lexical Stress Classification for Language Learning Using Spectral and Segmental Features
We present a system for detecting lexical stress in English words spoken by English learners. The system uses both spectral and segmental features to detect three levels of stress for each syllable in a word.
Emotion Detection in Speech Using Deep Networks
We propose a novel staged hybrid model for emotion detection in speech. Hybrid models exploit the strength of discriminative classifiers along with the representational power of generative models.
Articulatory trajectories for large-vocabulary speech recognition
We present a neural network model to estimate articulatory trajectories from speech signals where the model was trained using synthetic speech signals generated by Haskins Laboratories’ task-dynamic model of speech production.