Author: Sally K Shepherd
Nevada Early Care and Education Workforce Framework
This framework outlines a comprehensive plan of action to increase public awareness and mobilize support for sustained investments in Nevada’s early care and education (ECE) workforce.
Maine Early Childhood Consultation Partnership® (ECCP®) Pilot Final Report
SRI Education conducted an evaluation of a pilot implementation of an evidence-based, manualized model of infant and early childhood mental health consultation (IECMHC) that builds capacity of the early care and education workforce to address young children’s social-emotional and behavioral needs.
Programs serving children with disabilities—IDEA as a key component of a state early childhood system
All programs serving young children and their families need to understand IDEA and what it means for families and children with disabilities to access and benefit from all early childhood programs available in their community.
Telepractice for Part C early intervention services: Considerations for effective implementation and Medicaid reimbursement
The purpose of this report is to provide information about the use of telepractice as a delivery method for EI services and the process for Medicaid reimbursement.
Preschool development grant birth through five (PDG B-5) state profiles
The PDG B-5 state profiles were developed to highlight each state’s and territory’s’ work on the initial and renewal grants to-date, and to show their growth over time.