Author: Jessica L. Mislevy
Encouraging Impacts of an Open Education Resource Degree Initiative on College Students’ Progress to Degree
Open Education Resources (OER) are an alternative to commercial textbooks that have the potential to increase college affordability, access, and instructional quality.
IXL Math: Nonregulatory ESSA Standards Evidence Review & What Works Clearinghouse Standards Review
SRI determined that this study provides moderate evidence for IXL Math efficacy in grades 3-8 over a three-year period according to the ESSA levels of evidence provided by the U.S. Department of Education guidelines.
The Apple and ConnectED Initiative: Research Study Methods
This report describes the methodology of Apple and ConnectED Research, a six-year study of the Apple and ConnectED Initiative that uses a variety of qualitative and quantitative methods to tell a comprehensive story of implementation and outcomes.
1:1 Teaching and Learning in the Apple and ConnectED Initiative: Lessons from Early Implementation
This report asks the questions, what does a promising start look like and what types of support can enable conditions for success?
OER at Scale: The Academic and Economic Outcomes of Achieving the Dream’s OER Degree Initiative
The research and evaluation of ATD’s OER Degree Initiative provided encouraging evidence regarding the academic outcomes of students who enrolled in multiple OER courses, the economic impacts for both students and institutions, and the experiences of key stakeholders.
Comparing the Achievement of Students in Virtual Virginia and Face-to-Face Courses
The department partnered with REL Appalachia to examine the relationship between students’ participation in online courses and their performance on end-of-course exams.
Participant Experiences and Financial Impacts: Findings from Year 2 of Achieving the Dream’s OER Degree Initiative
This report presents findings from Achieving the Dream’s Open Education Resources (OER) Degree Initiative, which helps colleges reduce the financial burden on students and improve curriculum and pedagogy by developing course pathways using free and openly licensed instructional materials.
Launching OER Degree Pathways: An Early Snapshot of Achieving the Dream’s OER Degree Initiative and Emerging Lessons
The Open Educational Resources Degree Initiative, led by Achieving the Dream, seeks to boost college access and student success by supporting the redesign of courses needed for a degree using OER in place of proprietary instructional materials.
Measuring the Quantity and Quality of the K-12 STEM Teacher Pipeline
SRI Education recruited three education policy experts to contribute concept papers that explore the research and policy implications of the STEM indicators system.
Measuring the monitoring progress K-12 STEM education indicators: A road map
The National Science Foundation’s National Center for Science and Engineering Statistics produces Science and Engineering Indicators, a biennial compendium of quantitative data on U.S. and international science and engineering education and productivity.
Research on the Use of Khan Academy in Schools: Research Brief
Khan Academy is working closely with schools to explore ways of transforming how instruction is organized, delivered, and experienced by both students and teachers.
Research on the Use of Khan Academy in Schools – Student Survey, Fall 2012
This survey instrument was developed by SRI Education as part of the Research on the Use of Khan Academy in Schools project funded by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation.