Author: Martin Graciarena
Towards Noise-Robust Speaker Recognition Using Probabilistic Linear Discriminant Analysis
This work addresses the problem of speaker verification where additive noise is present in the enrollment and testing utterances.
Promoting robustness for speaker modeling in the community: the PRISM evaluation set
We introduce a new database for evaluation of speaker recognition systems.
Bird species recognition combining acoustic and sequence modeling
The goal of this work was to explore modeling techniques to improve bird species classification from audio samples.
The CALO meeting assistant system
This paper presents the CALO-MA architecture and its speech recognition and understanding components.
Acoustic front-end optimization for bird species recognition
The goal of this work was to explore the optimization of the feature extraction module (front-end) parameters to improve bird species recognition.
Feature-based and channel-based analyses of intrinsic variability in speaker verification
In this paper we explore the use of other speaker verification systems on the telephone channel data and compare against the GMM baseline. We found the GMM system to be one of the more robust across all conditions.
Effects of Vocal Effort and Speaking Style on Text-Independent Speaker Verification
We study the question of how intrinsic variations (associated with the speaker rather than the recording environment) affect text-independent speaker verification performance.
Development of the SRI/Nightingale Arabic ASR System
We describe the large vocabulary automatic speech recognition system developed for Modern Standard Arabic used for the 2007 GALE evaluation as part of the speech translation system.
System combination using auxiliary information for speaker verification
We propose a modified linear logistic regression procedure that conditions combination weights on the auxiliary information. A regularization procedure is used to control the complexity of the extended model.
Combining Prosodic, Lexical and Cepstral Systems for Deceptive Speech Detection
We report on machine learning experiments to distinguish deceptive from nondeceptive speech in the Columbia-SRI-Colorado (CSC) corpus. Specifically, we propose a system combination approach using different models and features for deception detection.
Robust Feature Compensation in Nonstationary and Multiple Noise Environments
We extend the POF algorithm to allow a more accurate way to select noisy-to-clean feature mappings, by allowing different combinations of speech and noise to have combination-specific mappings selected depending on the observation.
Distinguishing Deceptive from Non-Deceptive Speech
We present results from a study seeking to distinguish deceptive from non-deceptive speech using machine learning techniques on features extracted from a large corpus of deceptive and non-deceptive speech. We present current results comparing the performance of acoustic/ prosodic, lexical, and speaker-dependent features and discuss future research directions.