Oceans & space publications
Comparison of Tropospheric NO2 from in Situ Aircraft Measurements with Near-Real-Time and Standard Product Data from OMI
We present an analysis of in situ NO2 measurements from aircraft experiments between summer 2004 and spring 2006. The data are from the INTEX-A, PAVE, and INTEX-B campaigns and constitute the…
Operation of a Low-Voltage High-Transconductance Field Emitter Array TWT
L-3 Communications continues development and testing of a moderate power helix TWT incorporating a new low-voltage high-transconductance field emitter array cold cathode developed by SRI International.
Enhanced Ion Acoustic Lines Due to Strong Ion Cyclotron Wave Fields
The Fast Auroral Snapshot Explorer (FAST) satellite detected intense and coherent 5–20 m electric field structures in the high-latitude topside auroral ionosphere between the altitudes of 350 km and 650…
PFISR Nightside Observations of Naturally Enhanced Ion Acoustic Lines, and Their Relation to Boundary Auroral Features
We present results from a coordinated camera and radar study of the auroral ionosphere conducted during March of 2006 from Poker Flat, Alaska.
Wavelength Dependence of the Es Layer Instability, and of Coupling to the F Layer, in the Nonlinear Regime
We show that longer wavelengths grow to larger amplitudes before eventual nonlinear saturation, and couple more effectively to the F-region.
First Estimates of Volume Distribution of HF-Pump Enhanced Emissions at 6300 and 5577 Angstrom: a Comparison Between Observations and Theory
We present bi-static observations of radio-wave induced optical emissions at 6300 and 5577 Å from a night-time radio-induced optical emission ionospheric pumping experiment at the HIPAS (Fairbanks) facility in Alaska.
Forcing and Dynamics of Seafloor-Water Column Exchangeon a Broad Continental Shelf
Using PFISR Measurements and Gravity Wave Dissipative Theory to Determine the Neutral, Background Thermospheric Winds
Understanding the propagation and dissipation of an atmospheric gravity wave (GW) in the thermosphere requires an accurate dissipative GW dispersion relation, the GW's horizontal wavelength and period, and the background…
Using Spectral Characteristics to Interpret Auroral Imaging in the 731.9 Nm O+ Line
Simultaneous observations were made of dynamic aurora during substorm activity on 26 January 2006 with three high spatial and temporal resolution instruments: the ASK (Auroral Structure and Kinetics) instrument, SIF…
Validation of OMI Tropospheric NO2 Column Data Using MAX-DOAS Measurements Deep Inside the North China Plain in June 2006: Mount Tai Experiment 2006
We performed observations of the tropospheric NO2 column using the ground-based Multi-Axis Differential Optical Absorption Spectroscopy technique in the North China Plain.
Cross Sections and Reaction Rates for Comparative Planetary Aeronomy
In this chapter we describe the current knowledge of a selection of collision processes and chemical reactions of importance to planetary aeronomy.
Independent Emission and Absorption Abundances for Planetary Nebulae
In this study we observe UV resonance line absorption in the central stars of PNe produced by the nebular gas and from the same ions that emit optical forbidden lines.