Kai Goebel

Director, Intelligent Systems Lab

Kai Goebel, PhD, is director of the Intelligent Systems Lab. He joined PARC in 2019 and has been a lab director since 2020. Dr. Goebel has more than 25 years’ experience leading, conducting, and managing research in corporate and government organizations. His research interests are in advancing AI for resilience, autonomous systems, and systems health management. He has transitioned technology into practice, including to the International Space Station, Small Sats, to Space Launch Systems, commercial airlines, FAA, UTM, aircraft engines operations, and into a commercial spinout for predictive maintenance. 

Prior to joining SRI-PARC, Dr. Goebel worked at NASA Ames Research Center where he was the Area Lead for Discovery and Systems Health. There he founded the Prognostics Center of Excellence which spearheaded development of prognostic techniques, metrics, and generation of publicly available run-to-failure datasets for various components. Dr. Goebel started his professional career at GE Corporate R&D where he developed and fielded data-driven analytics applications for manufacturing systems, energy applications, medical systems, and transportation systems. He holds 20 patents and has published more than 400 papers in the field. Dr. Goebel was an adjunct professor at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute and guest professor at University of Cincinnati. He still holds an Adjunct Professor appointment at Lulea Technical University. He is a member of ASME, IEEE, SAE, AAAI; co-founder and fellow of the Prognostics and Health Management Society; and associate editor of the International Journal of PHM.

Dr. Goebel has a Ph.D. in mechanical engineering from UC Berkeley and a degree of Diplom-Ingenieur from TU Munich.