David Parekh: At SRI, what stands out are the people

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SRI’s CEO says the team shares a passion for engaging with others to identify challenges and determine how our innovations can have impact.

Thinking about SRI and the cool technologies we have, and the difference it makes in people’s lives, what stands out are the people who created and continue to create them.

When I think about this amazing place with people from so many different backgrounds. At last count, I think our employees represent more than 80 different countries from around the world.

SRI’s people have come from academia, industry, and other nonprofits, who join together with a passion about a common mission: exploring our combined intellectual curiosity about what if, what can we deliver?

What could this technology, this idea, have in terms of impact?

SRI is a group of people bound together by a passion about meeting needs and engaging with our partners and customers to identify challenges in order to determine how our innovations can have impact.

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