Supporting the Pattern Development Cycle in Intelligence Gathering


Wolverton, M. and Harrison, I. and Lowrance, J. and Rodriguez, A. and Thomere, J. Supporting the Pattern Development Cycle in Intelligence Gathering, in Proceedings of the International Conference on Intelligence Analysis (IA’05), 2005.


To deal with noisy and incomplete data sets, analysts need tools that support an intelligence gathering cycle. In this cycle, the analyst (1) creates an initial pattern corresponding to his information need, (2) retrieves a collection of matching episodes in the data, (3) revises the pattern based on the shortcomings of the matches, and (4) repeats the process until the revised pattern is returning the right data. This paper discusses the cycle through a use case of the Link Analysis Workbench (LAW), a tool for discovering and analyzing situations of interest in large relational data sets.

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