National Early Intervention Longitudinal Study: Birth History and Health Status of Children Entering Early Intervention. NEILS Data Report 5


Spiker, D., Mallik, S., Hebbeler, K., Scarborough, A., Simeonsson, R., & Bailey, D. (2004). National Early Intervention Longitudinal Study: Birth history and health status of children entering early intervention. NEILS data report 5. Menlo Park, CA: SRI International.


The National Early Intervention Longitudinal Study (NEILS) is being conducted to address some of the most important questions related to the implementation and outcomes of Part C of the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA). NEILS is following a nationally representative sample of children from birth to 3 years old and their families through and after their early intervention experiences. This report describes the birth history and health status of the children participating in early intervention.

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