Leaving Flatland: Toward Real-Time 3D Navigation


B. Morisset et al., “Leaving Flatland: Toward real-time 3D navigation,” 2009 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation, 2009, pp. 3786-3793, doi: 10.1109/ROBOT.2009.5152715.


We report our first experiences with Leaving Flatland, an exploratory project that studies the key challenges of closing the loop between autonomous perception and action on challenging terrain. We propose a comprehensive system for localization, mapping, and planning for the RHex mobile robot in fully 3D indoor and outdoor environments. This system integrates Visual Odometry-based localization with new techniques in real-time 3D mapping from stereo data. The motion planner uses a new decomposition approach to adapt existing 2D planning techniques to operate in 3D terrain. We test the map-building and motion-planning subsystems on real and synthetic data, and show that they have favorable computational performance for use in high-speed autonomous navigation.

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