Policy & Program Studies: Kindergarten Entry Assessment Case Studies

Group of small nursery school children with man teacher sitting on floor indoors in classroom, playing musical instruments.

SRI conducted and prepared, Case Studies of the Early Implementation of Kindergarten Entry Assessments, for the U.S. Department of Education’s Policy and Program Studies Service (PPSS), to document the processes, accomplishments, challenges, and solutions of the four states and to share what they have learned with federal and state policymakers.

The study consisted of document reviews, telephone interviews with state agency respondents and local preschool directors, and in-person interviews with district administrators, principals, kindergarten teachers, and other KEA assessors (a total of 201 interviews). Results from this study can be used to inform state and district efforts to develop and implement their own KEAs and to use KEAs to improve instruction and learning. The final report and results in brief capture lessons learned about key considerations in KEA adoption, the implementation process, and use of results and are now available for policy audiences, practitioners, and the general public. 

Associated team members

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