Taurus: This small robot is reaching new heights and solving once-thought impossible challenges
Check out these 6 reasons why you should consider this robot for remote operations
Exploring the solar system with SRI’s CMOS Imager
Imagine watching the launch of a NASA planetary mission and knowing that technology you built is along for the ride. It must be thrilling, and SRI’s Jim Janesick knows the feeling well.
75 Years of Innovation: Siri
How Siri entered the world and gave computing a voice
Part two: can we trust emotional AI as it moves into production?
What areas are opening the door for Emotional AI to enter? And, what are the downsides, if any, in terms of privacy and trust?
Net @ 50
Celebrating the origins of the Internet
Design for trust: principle #1
User expectations and perceived risks drive trust requirements.
Celebrating the origins of the Internet
The Evolution from Net@50 to Net@60
A closer look at the Internet revolution
In AI we trust? How might we design intelligent systems that inspire trust?
How might we design intelligent systems that inspire trust?