Modular Antigen-Specific T-cell Biofactories for Calibrated In Vivo Synthesis of Engineered Proteins


Adv Biosyst. 2018 Dec;2(12)


An artificial cell-signaling pathway is developed that capitalizes on the T-cellā€™s innate extravasation ability and transforms it into a vector (T-cell Biofactory) for synthesizing calibrated amounts of engineered proteins in vivo. The modularity of this pathway enables reprogramming of the T-cell Biofactory to target biomarkers on different disease cells, e.g. cancer, viral infections, autoimmune disorders. It can be expected that the T-cell Biofactory leads to a ā€œliving drugā€ that extravasates to the disease sites, assesses the disease burden, synthesizes the calibrated amount of engineered therapeutic proteins upon stimulation by the diseased cells, and reduces targeting of normal cells.

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