Bioinformatics publications
The EcoCyc Database in 2021
This article highlights recent improvements to the curated data in the areas of metabolism, transport, DNA repair, and regulation of gene expression.
The BioCyc Metabolic Network Explorer
The Metabolic Network Explorer is a new addition to the website and the Pathway Tools software suite that supports the interactive exploration of metabolic networks.
Pathway Size Matters: The Influence of Pathway Granularity on Over-Representation (Enrichment) Statistics
We show that alternative pathway definitions can alter enrichment p -values by up to nine orders of magnitude, whereas statistical corrections typically alter enrichment p -values by only two orders…
Leveraging Curation Among Escherichia coli Pathway/Genome Databases Using Ortholog-Based Annotation Propagation
We have developed a method to automatically propagate multiple types of curated knowledge from genes and proteins in one genome database to their orthologs in uncurated databases for related strains,…
Pathway Tools Visualization of Organism-Scale Metabolic Networks
We have developed bioinformatics software tools that automatically generate a full metabolic-network diagram for an organism, and that enable searching and analyses of the network.
A Comparison of the Pathway Tools Software with the Reactome Software
This document compares SRI’s Pathway Tools (PTools) software with the Reactome software. Both software systems serve the pathway bioinformatics area, including representation and analysis of metabolic pathways and signaling pathways.
The MetaCyc Database of Metabolic Pathways and Enzymes – A 2019 Update
This article provides an update on the developments in MetaCyc during September 2017 to August 2019, up to version 23.1.
The MultiOmics Explainer: Explaining Omics Results in the Context of a Pathway/Genome Database
We describe the MultiOmics Explainer, a new tool within the Pathway Tools software suite that leverages what is known about an organism’s metabolic and regulatory network to suggest explanations for…
Metabolic Route Computation in Organism Communities
We developed an efficient software tool to search for metabolic routes that include metabolic reactions from multiple organisms.
Using pathway covering to explore connections among metabolites
Pathway Covering is a new algorithm that takes a list of metabolites (compounds) and determines a minimum-cost set of metabolic pathways in an organism that includes (covers) all the metabolites…
A Comparison of Microbial Genome Web Portals
This article compares the capabilities of the major microbial genome web portals to aid researchers in determining which portal(s) are best suited to their needs.
Evaluation of reaction gap-filling accuracy by randomization
We report on computational experiments of reaction gap filling in which we generated degraded versions of the EcoCyc-20.0-GEM model by randomly removing flux-carrying reactions from a growing model.