human sleep program

Driving innovation in sleep research

The Human Sleep Research Program is recognized for its dual expertise in conducting basic/clinical research studies as well as applied research and development (R&D) commercial work in the sleep tech space.

Real-world impact

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Basic and clinical science

Our work includes several National Institutes of Health (NIH)-sponsored studies. We are investigating psychophysiological mechanisms underlying insomnia pathophysiology in adolescents and mid-life women using interventional and observational designs. Other areas of interest include:

  • Developmental changes in sleep and brain structure and function across adolescence
  • Links between sleep and memory in women
  • The impact of pre-sleep psychophysiological manipulations (e.g., stress, alcohol intake) on sleep and cardiovascular regulation during sleep.

We use a wide range of innovative techniques including EEG, impedance technology, MRI and beat-to-beat blood pressure monitoring to gather physiological data which is further analyzed using sophisticated analytical techniques. These data are frequently combined with clinical and behavioral neuropsychological data.

Applied science and sleep technology

The Translational Sleep Technology Unit of the Human Sleep Research Program focuses on advancing science while also discovering and developing novel approaches and technologies to improve people’s sleep health and well-being. We also conduct validation and product development studies for commercial clients, particularly in the wearable technology space.

Basic science & consortium studies grants

The Human Sleep Research Lab has a diverse portfolio of research and clinical NIH-funded studies.

Commercial projects

The Human Sleep Lab has experience and expertise in sleep technology development and testing. Our sophisticated facility is equipped with state-of-the-art lab equipment capable of collecting a broad range of psychophysiological data on healthy sleepers and pathological sleep conditions. We have access to an onsite institutional review board (IRB) and have experience in developing protocols for R&D projects as well as clinical trials. We have worked with various commercial clients to validate, develop, and test investigational devices within the sleep technology space.

In addition, our team has a unique capability in testing the performance of novel sleep-tracking technologies — e.g., wearable sleep trackers such as smart multi-sensors wristbands — to assess sleep and other physiological signals against gold standard lab polysomnography, research, and clinical-grade equipment.

Recent publications

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Our experts in human sleep research