Author: Karen Myers

  • Metatheoretic Plan Summarization and Comparison

    We describe a domain-independent framework for plan summarization and comparison that can help a human understand both key strategic elements of an individual plan and important differences among plans.

  • Continuous Refinement of Agent Resource Estimates

    The challenge we address is to reason about projected resource usage within a hierarchical task execution framework in order to improve agent effectiveness. Specifically, we seek to define and maintain maximally informative guaranteed bounds on projected resource requirements, in order to enable an agent to take full advantage of available resources while avoiding problems of…

  • A Cognitive Framework for Delegation to an Assistive User Agent

    We present a BDI-based framework for a cognitive agent that acts as an assistant to a human user by performing tasks on her behalf. This framework accommodates: (1) user delegation of tasks to the agent, which may be inconsistent or infeasible or both, and (2) user-specified guidance and preferences on the execution and management of…

  • Task Management under Change and Uncertainty: Constraint Solving Experience with the CALO Project

    We outline the challenges and opportunities presented by constraint solving in the presence of change and uncertainty, embodied in CALO’s personalized time management and task reasoning and execution systems.

  • A Portable Process Language

    In this paper, we report on a process language, PPL, that we have designed to serve as a bridge between a representation designed for execution and a representation designed for applications such as question answering and explanation generation.

  • The SPARK Agent Framework

    We describe the SRI Procedural Agent Realization Kit (SPARK), a new BDI agent framework that combines scaleability and the clean semantic underpinning of more formal agent frameworks.

  • Balancing Formal and Practical Concerns in Agent Design

    In this paper, we discuss a number of both formal and practical requirements that must be met to satisfy the demands of large-scale applications. We also briefly describe work on a new BDI agent framework that aims to bridge the gap between formal and practical agent frameworks.

  • Identifying Terrorist Activity with AI Plan Recognition Technology

    We describe the application of plan recognition techniques to support human intelligence analysts in processing national security alert sets by automatically identifying the hostile intent behind them. Identifying the intent enables us to both prioritize and explain the alert sets for succinct user presentation.

  • Toward a Theory of Qualitative Reasoning about Plans

    We define a qualitative framework for reasoning about plan structure, defining a set of plan relations that characterize key interactions among plan components and a calculus for reasoning qualitatively about the effects of changes.

  • Adjustable Autonomy Challenges in Personal Assistant Agents: A Position Paper

    The successful integration and acceptance of many multi-agent systems into daily lives crucially depends on the ability to develop effective policies for adjustable autonomy.

  • A Mixed-initiative Framework for Robust Plan Sketching

    We present a formal framework for robust plan sketching that defines key concepts and algorithms for interpreting and repairing plan sketches for two classes of problems.

  • Mixed-initiative Planning in PASSAT

    We present the novel application of a general-purpose knowledge-based system, SHAKEN, to the specific task of acquiring knowledge for military Course of Action (COA) analysis.