Author: SRI International
The Fundamental matrix: theory, algorithms, and stability analysis
We analyze in some detail the geometry of a pair of cameras, i.e., a stereo rig. Contrarily to what has been done in the past and is still done currently, for example in stereo or motion analysis, we do not assume that the intrinsic parameters of the cameras are known.
Designing For Cognitive Communication: Epistemic Fidelity Or Mediating Collaborating Inquiry
aps between worldviews prevent students from interpreting displays literally, and thus limit the extent to which communication can be achieved by representing knowledge accurately. Hence, rather than merely representing mental models accurately, designers must focus on supporting communicative practices.
Scantron Administrator Training Guide
Building A Foundation For Information Literacy: Creating An Annotated WWW-Index By Children For Children
Globe Year 1 Evaluation: Findings
Global learning and observations to benefit the environment (GLOBE) is an international environmental science and education program involving elementary and secondary school students in the collection of data concerning their local environments and the sharing of that data through the Internet.
Noise-resistant Feature Extraction and Model Training for Robust Speech Recognition
We present a novel noise-robust feature extraction algorithm that is a combination of our previously developed minimum mean square error (MMSE) log-energy estimation algorithm and the probabilistic optimum filtering (POF) algorithm.
Facilitating Collaborative Problem Solving With Distant Mentor
This work addresses the problem of helping learners develop concepts and skills needed to be productive in the fast-changing technical workplace. It marries the kind of informal, on-demand learning preferred by workplace professionals and advocated by learning theorists with the support for learning at a distance afforded by networked computing environments.
An Experimental Study of Acoustic Adaptation Algorithms
In this paper we focus on transformation-based maximum-likelihood (ML) adaptation.
Using Information Technology For Delivering Education In The United States: A Status Report
Statistical Language Modeling for Speech Disfluencies
We introduce a language model that predicts disfluencies probabilistically and uses an edited, fluent context to predict following words. It uses dynamic programming to compute the probability of a word sequence, taking into account possible hidden disfluency events.
Motion of points and lines in the uncalibrated case
In the present paper we address the problem of computing structure and motion, given a set point and/or line correspondences, in a monocular image sequence, when the camera is not calibrated.
Self-Calibration of a Stereo Rig from Unknown Camera Motions and Point Correspondences
We show theoretically and with experiments on real images, how it is possible to completely calibrate a stereo rig, that is to determine each camera’s intrinsic parameters and the relative displacement between the two or three cameras, using only point matches obtained during unknown motions, without any a priori knowledge of the scenes.