Education and learning
For more than 50 years, SRI Education has been a leader in helping strategic partners find out what works, for whom, how, and why. We collaborate with federal, state, foundation, nonprofit, and commercial partners to improve teaching, education policies, and student learning.
Our goal: to reduce barriers and optimize outcomes for students of all ages; abilities; and racial, cultural, linguistic, and geographic backgrounds.
Project SECURE: Keeping Kids Safe within a Trauma-Informed Multi-Tiered System of Support
SRI Education assessed the impact of Project SECURE, a multitiered evidence-based framework designed to strengthen the resilience of students who are most vulnerable to disciplinary exclusion, gang involvement, and trauma.
Evaluation of the Midwest Expansion of the Child-Parent Center Education Program
Funded by an Investing in Innovation (i3) validation grant from the U.S. Department of Education, SRI conducted an independent evaluation of the Midwest Expansion of the Child-Parent Center (CPC) Program using a quasi-experimental design.
Cyberlearning ‘16 Tackles Designs for Deeper, Broader, and More Equitable Learning
The 5th annual Cyberlearning meeting, recently held in Arlington, VA, engaged more than 180 NSF-funded researchers, educators and other attendees,
Efficacy Study of Foundations, School-wide Positive Discipline for Middle Schools
SRI is evaluating the impact of the Foundations program, a schoolwide intervention for promoting positive discipline policies, on perceptions of school climate and students’ behavior and academic performance in middle schools.
Innovations in Early Mathematics Professional Development
SRI evaluated the impact of teachers’ participation in a professional development intervention to improve teachers’ knowledge, attitudes, and instructional practice in math across prekindergarten (preK) to third grade classrooms in the city of Chicago.
Model Demonstration Coordination Center
SRI Education helped bridge the chasm that can exist between identifying educational evidence-based practices and achieving their widespread use.
ENHANCE: Studying the Quality of Child Outcomes Data
ENHANCE consisted of four studies that examined the quality of the data that was collected through the Child Outcomes Summary (COS) process.
Early Childhood Outcomes (ECO) Center
The ECO Center assisted state agencies in building measurement systems for programs serving infants, toddlers, and preschoolers with disabilities and their families. The center provided technical assistance to support states in developing high-quality child and family outcome measurement systems.
An Unfinished Canvas: Arts Education in California
SRI examined student access to arts education in California schools and conducted follow-up studies examining factors influencing K–12 arts education.