Artificial intelligence publications
Multiagent Inverse Reinforcement Learning via Theory of Mind Reasoning
We approach the problem of understanding how people interact with each other in collaborative settings via Multiagent Inverse Reinforcement Learning (MIRL), where the goal is to infer the reward functions…
Reviewing Knowledgebase and Database Grant Proposals in the Life Sciences: The Role of Innovation
This article offers thoughts on reviewing grant proposals for biological knowledgebases and databases (KDs) in the hope of aiding grant reviewers and applicants in addressing the issue of innovation.
Learning Sensor Control for Information Gain in Dynamic, Partially Observed and Sparsely Sampled Environments
We present an approach for autonomous sensor control for information gathering under partially observable, dynamic and sparsely sampled environments.
Global and Local Analysis of Interestingness for Competency-Aware Deep Reinforcement Learning
Our new framework provides various measures of RL agent competence stemming from interestingness analysis and is applicable to a wide range of RL algorithms.
Accelerating Human Authorship of Information Extraction Rules
We simulate the process of corpus review and word list creation, showing that several simple interventions greatly improve recall as a function of simulated labor.
A Framework for understanding and Visualizing Strategies of RL Agents
We present a framework for learning comprehensible models of sequential decision tasks in which agent strategies are characterized using temporal logic formulas.
Experimental Evaluation of Subject Matter Expert-Oriented Knowledge Base Authoring Tools
We describe a large-scale experiment in which non-artificial intelligence subject matter experts (SMEs)—with neither artificial intelligence background nor extensive training in the task—author knowledge bases (KBs) following a challenge problem…
Outcome-Guided Counterfactuals for Reinforcement Learning Agents from a Jointly Trained Generative Latent Space
We present a novel generative method for producing unseen and plausible counterfactual examples for reinforcement learning (RL) agents based upon outcome variables that characterize agent behavior.
VALET: Rule-Based Information Extraction for Rapid Deployment
We present VALET, a framework for rule-based information extraction written in Python. We show how a handful of rules suffices to implement sophisticated matching, and describe a user interface that…
Pathway Tools Management of Pathway/Genome Data for Microbial Communities
The Pathway Tools software provides a suite of capabilities for storing and analyzing collections of genomic and metabolic information.
An Ontology-Based Dialogue Management Framework for Virtual Personal Assistants in Common Lisp
We present a new approach to dialogue specification for Virtual Personal Assistants (VPAs) based on so-called dialogue workflow graphs. Our approach relies on Semantic Web technology (OWL), implemented in Common…
Metabolic Modeling with MetaFlux
The MetaFlux software supports creating, executing, and solving quantitative metabolic flux models using flux balance analysis (FBA).