Oceans & space publications
Surface of Ligeia Mare, Titan, from Cassini Altimeter and Radiometer Analysis
Cassini radar observations of the surface of Ligeia Mare collected during the 23 May 2013 (T91) Cassini flyby show that it is extremely smooth, likely to be mostly methane in…
F Region Dusk Ion Temperature Spikes at the Equatorward Edge of the High-Latitude Convection Pattern
Using Poker Flat Incoherent Scatter Radar data from the International Polar Year, we observed unexpected short-lived enhancements of a few 100 K in the F region ion temperature, or “Ti spikes”, in conjunction with…
Empirical Model of Poynting Flux Derived from Fast Data and a Cusp Signature
Empirical models of the Poynting flux and particle kinetic energy flux, associated with auroral processes, have been constructed using data from the FAST satellite and are available online.
Visualizing Geo-Spatial Data in Science, Technology and Innovation
This paper provides a range of alternatives for analysts when dealing with geo-spatial data addressing activities in science, technology and innovation.
Horizontal Parameters of Daytime Thermospheric Gravity Waves and E Region Neutral Winds over Puerto Rico
We report on the electron density perturbation amplitudes, periods (up to 60 min), horizontal and vertical wavelengths, phase speeds, and propagation directions of daytime traveling ionospheric disturbances (TIDs) from 115…
Textile Damage in Astronaut Gloves
This article describes the damage observations and results of the laboratory tests, deduces how the damage occurred, and presents guidelines for designing gloves that are more damage resistant.
Multi-Instrument Observations of SED During 24-25 October 2011 Storm: Implications for SED Formation Processes
We present multiple instrument observations of a storm-enhanced density (SED) during the 24–25 October 2011 intense geomagnetic storm.
Ion-Neutral Coupling in Earth’s Thermosphere, Estimated from Concurrent Radar and Optical Observations above Alaska
We report on data collected during the campaign, and use these data to investigate two key aspects of ion–neutral coupling, namely Joule heating and the ion–neutral collision frequency.
Field Ionization Characteristics of an Ion Source Array for Neutron Generators
Ion currents from single etched-wire tips operating under the same conditions are used to help understand array results. I-F characteristics of the arrays were found to follow trends similar to those of the…
On the Accuracy of SeaWiFS Ocean Color Data Products on the West Florida Shelf
Here, using shipboard spectral normalized waterleaving radiance (nLw[k]) data and chlorophyll-a concentrations (Chl-a) collected regularly during two multiyear field programs spanning .10 years, the accuracies of Sea-viewing Wide Field-of-view Sensor…
Perfect Dielectric-Metamaterial Reflector
We exploit the Mie resonance in dielectric microparticles to design a single-negative metamaterial monolayer with near-unity reflectivity and negligible absorptivity.
Development and Test of an Active Pixel Sensor Detector for Heliospheric Imager on Solar Orbiter and Solar Probe Plus
The devices are robust (