Robotics, sensors, & devices publications
From Boots to Buoys: Promises and Challenges of Dielectric Elastomer Energy Harvesting
We have demonstrated energy harvesting transducers that have operated over 5 million cycles and have shown the ability of thematerial to survive for months underwater while undergoing voltage cycling.
Development of New Miniature Multiple Reflection Time of Flight Spectrometer
Electroactive Polymer Artificial Muscle Operable in Ultra-High Hydrostatic Pressure Environment
We have verified that the dielectric elastomer type of electroactive polymer can maintain good operational characteristics even in an ultrahigh-pressure environment by showing that the electroactive strain response to an…
Compliant Electroactive Polymer Transducers for Sonic Applications
Introduction to the Focused Section on Electroactive Polymer Mechatronics
The papers in this section present relevant new models, devices and applications of three families of iconic EAPs (conducting polymers, carbon nanotubes, and ionic polymer-metal composites) and one family of…
Invited Article: Digital Beam-Forming Imaging Riometer Systems
The design and operation of a new generation of digital imaging riometer systems developed by Lancaster University are presented.
The Faraday Filter-Based Spectrometer for Observing Sodium Nightglow and Studying Atomic and Molecular Oxygen Associated with the Sodium Chemistry in the Mesopause Region
This paper describes the operational principles, design and field testing of a new, compact, Faraday filter-based spectrometer to measure the D2 (589.158 nm) to D1 (589.756 nm) intensity ratio of…
Highly Polarized Green Light Emitting Diode in m-Axis GaInN/GaN
Linearly polarized light emission is analyzed in nonpolar light-emitting diodes (LEDs) covering the blue to green spectral range.
Epitaxial InGaAsP/InP Photodiode for Registration of InP Scintillation
We have implemented an efficient and fast quaternary InGaAsP pin photodiode, epitaxially grown on the surface of an InP scintillator wafer and sensitive to InP luminescence.
Imaging F Region Drifts Using Monostatic Phased-Array Incoherent Scatter Radar
We develop a technique for using monostatic, electronically steerable incoherent scatter radar (ISR) to generate 2-D estimates of F region flow fields.
Influence of an Inertia-Gravity Waveon Mesospheric Dynamics: a Case Study with the Poker Flat Incoherent Scatter Radar
A case study of mesospheric winds and waves observed by the Poker Flat Incoherent Scatter Radar (PFISR) on 23 April 2008 is presented.
Ultralow-Power Electronics for Cardiac Monitoring
In this paper, we present several methods for reducing power consumption while retaining the precision necessary for cardiac monitoring.