School and district reform publications
Generalizability of a Technology-Based Intervention to Enhance Conceptual Understanding in Mathematics
To investigate generalizability to broader populations and settings, we triangulate among three methods.
Next Generation Courseware Challenge Evaluation
How can college completion rates for low-income and minority students be improved? One solution may be digital courseware that offers individualized learning.
Linked Learning San Bernardino (LLSB): Accelerating College and Career Readiness in Low-Performing Schools
This technical report provides an independent evaluation examining both the program implementation and the impact of the program on students’ cognitive and noncognitive outcomes.
Improvement Science in Teacher Preparation at California State University: How Teacher Preparation Partnerships are Building Capacity to Learn to Improve
This paper describes how three principles of improvement science guided reforms at teacher preparation programs (TPPs) participating in the New Generation of Educators Initiative (NGEI).
Crowdsourcing Emotional Speech
We describe the methodology for the collection and annotation of a large corpus of emotional speech data through crowdsourcing.
Issue Brief: Competency-Based Advancement
The brief describes the use of competency-based advancement as a dropout prevention strategy based on a nationally representative sample of more than 2,000 U.S. public high schools.
Issue Brief: Mentoring
The brief describes the use of mentoring as a dropout prevention strategy based on a nationally representative sample of more than 2,000 U.S. public high schools.
Issue Brief: Student Support Teams
The brief describes the use of student support teams as a dropout prevention strategy based on a nationally representative sample of more than 2,000 U.S. public high schools.
Issue Brief: Early Warning Systems
The brief describes early warning systems as a dropout prevention strategy based on a nationally representative sample of more than 2,000 U.S. public high schools.
Evaluation of Rocketship Students’ Middle School Outcomes
Rocketship Education is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit corporation whose mission is to eliminate the achievement gap by building a scalable and sustainable school model that propels student achievement in underserved communities…
Taking Stock of the Linked Learning District Initiative: Sixth Year Evaluation Report, Executive Summary
This report from SRI International’s multiyear evaluation of the California’s Linked Learning District Initiative is the first to include end-of-high school outcomes for students in Linked Learning pathways.
Taking Stock of the Linked Learning District Initiative: Sixth Year Evaluation Report
Compared with similar peers in traditional high school programs, students participating in certified Linked Learning pathways are more likely to graduate from high school, less likely to drop out, and…