STEM and computer science education publications
DynaLogue: Teacher Candidates Collaborating to Learn and Teach Proportional Reasoning
This demonstration focuses on one aspect of this hands-on curriculum, DynaLogue.
Next Generation Preschool Math Demo: Tablet Games for Preschool Classrooms
This paper describes the Next Generation Preschool Math project, a $3 million, four-year research and development initiative funded by the National Science Foundation.
Expanding Access to STEM-Focused Education: What Are the Effects?
Calls for broadening the population of students motivated and prepared to pursue STEM studies, with an aim ultimately to impact the country’s competitiveness, have been frequent and widespread...
Inclusive STEM High School Design: 10 Critical Components
This paper introduces a pair of relatively new research projects that focus on an innovative type of school that is quietly emerging across the U.S., Inclusive STEM-focused High Schools (ISHSs).
California Tinkering Afterschool Network Pilot Year Evaluation Report
SRI International conducted an evaluation of the pilot year of the California Afterschool Tinkering Network.
Conversation About SimCalc, Its Evolution and Lessons Along the Way
We use SimCalc’s history and achievements to discuss the need for vision and long time frames in funding, and point to multiple levels of research entailed in the process of…
Mathematics Teaching Practices with Technology That Support Conceptual Understanding for Latino/a Students
We analyze how three seventh grade mathematics teachers from a majority Latino/a, linguistically diverse region of Texas taught the same lesson.
Evaluating the usability of a professional modeling tool repurposed for middle school learning
This paper reports the results of a three-stage usability test of a modeling tool designed to support learners’ deep understanding of the impacts of climate change on ecosystems.
Curricular Activity Systems Supporting the Use of Dynamic Representations to Foster Students’ Deep Understanding of Mathematics
This chapter describes the notion of a curricular activity system and how it can be used in the design of learning environments that have a wider reach.
Unpacking the Black Box of Engagement: Cognitive, Behavioral, and Affective Engagement in Learning Mathematics
The Range of Science Instructional Materials Used in a Statewide Afterschool Program
We report on our study that examined the science offerings of a publicly funded statewide afterschool program.
Predicting the impacts of climate change on ecosystems: A high school curricular module