STEM and computer science education publications
SimCalc: Democratizing Access to Advanced Mathematics
Over the course of a program of research lasting more than 20 years and involving contributors from institutions throughout the United States and worldwide, the representationally innovative design of SimCalc…
A Future for Computing Education Research
Seeking to address the most important issues facing the computer education research community.
Investigating Why Teachers Reported Continued Use and Sharing of an Educational Innovation After the Research Has Ended
This investigation is part of the Scaling-Up SimCalc experimental program, which combines dynamic representational algebra software with integrated curriculum and small professional development workshops focused on how to use the…
Wayne School of Engineering: Case Study of a Rural Inclusive STEM-Focused High School
We present a descriptive, instrumental case study of an inclusive rural science, technology, engineering, and mathematics school that has successfully dealt with challenges and offers an innovative and productive learning…
A Content Comparison Analysis of the Next Generation Science Standards and the Michigan Science Standards
The Michigan Department of Education (MDE) and Wayne Regional Education Service Agency contracted with SRI International’s Center for Technology in Learning to conduct an external, independent content comparison review of…
Navigating the Future of Afterschool Science: Afterschool Science Networks Study Recommendations
SRI’s Afterschool Science Networks (ASN) study provides new insights and empirical findings regarding the offering of science learning opportunities at scale.
BaySci: A Partnership for Bay Area Science Education—August 2014 Evaluation Report
We examined how and to what degree science instruction changed in the classrooms of districts, schools, and individuals participating in BaySci programming. We sought evidence of changes in classroom practice,…
Applying the Brakes: How Practical Classroom Decisions Affect the Adoption of Inquiry Instruction
If college science instructors are to use inquiry practices more in the classroom, they need both professional support to foster comfort with the pedagogy and practical ways to engage students…
A Design Inquiry: Bridging Assessment and Curriculum Frameworks to Engage Students in Science Practices
This reflective inquiry delves into the collaborative design process of a technology based middle school genetics unit. With a lens on science practices, we describe how bridging assessment and curriculum…
Postsecondary Pathways and Persistence for Stem Versus Non-Stem Majors: Among College Students with an Autism Spectrum Disorder
This study analyzed data from the National Longitudinal Transition Study-2, 2001–2009, a nationally representative sample of students in special education with an ASD who progressed from high school to postsecondary…
Problematizing the STEM Pipeline Metaphor: Is the STEM Pipeline Metaphor Serving Our Students and the STEM Workforce
This study interrogates the appropriateness of the STEM pipeline as the dominant frame for understanding and making policies related to STEM career trajectories.
Advice for Mathematical Argumentation
“Telling” can be an effective tool in helping students engage in intellectually demanding argumentation and productive behavior.