Teaching quality publications
Tailoring Support: An Analysis Of Coach-Teacher Relationships In A Media-Rich Early Literacy Intervention
California’s Teaching Force 2010: Key Issues and Trends
This report covers four key themes: the contraction of the teacher workforce and other issues affecting the teacher supply pipeline, the weakening of the teacher development system in the context…
Rock-Solid Support: Florida District Weighs Effectiveness Of Science Professional Learning
Professional development that is both content-specific and anchored in what teachers must do in the classroom is becoming the norm for helping teachers improve their science instruction.
Investigating Links from Teacher Knowledge, to Classroom Practice, to Student Learning in the Instructional System of the Middle-School Mathematics Classroom
We examined relationships between teachers’ mathematics knowledge, teachers’ classroom decision making, and student achievement outcomes on topics of rate, proportionality, and linear function—three important and cognitively demanding pre-algebra topics.
ITL Research Design
This paper describes the design of Innovative Teaching and Learning (ITL) Research, a multiyear global research program sponsored initially by Microsoft’s Partners in Learning, with increasing partnership from governments and…
ITL Research: Executive summary of pilot year findings
Evaluation of Programs and Continuum of Service, 2009-10
Evaluation of the California Subject Matter Project: California Foreign Language Project Case Study
This case study describes a partnership between the California Foreign Language Project (CFLP) at Stanford University and the Palo Alto Unified School District (PAUSD).
Evaluation of the California Subject Matter Project: California International Studies Project Case Study
The California International Studies Project (CISP) strives to provide standards-based professional development in history and international studies to prepare students to live, work, and be informed, active citizens.
Evaluation of the California Subject Matter Project: California Mathematics Project Case Study
This is a case study of a partnership between the mathematics department at California State University, Bakersfield (CSUB) and Green Hills High School (GHHS).
Evaluation of the California Subject Matter Project: California Reading and Literature Project Case Study
We share here the story of how this partnership evolved, some of the impacts it had on the teachers and administrators involved and the students they served, and a few…
Extending The Methodology Of Teacher Work Sampling