Teaching quality publications
Case Study Brief: Promising Approaches to the Development and Implementation of District-Determined Measures
The research team administered a statewide survey of principals and school staff and conducted educator interviews and focus groups in seven case study districts.
Case Study Brief: Promising Practices to Build Evaluator Capacity
The case study brief highlights three districts’ efforts to calibrate evaluators’ feedback and ratings for school staff and to reduce evaluators’ workloads associated with the new evaluation system.
Case Study Brief: Shrewsbury Public Schools’ Approach to Using Evaluation Data in Human Resources Decision-Making
This case study brief focuses on Shrewsbury Public Schools’ use of evaluation data to inform human resources practices and policies.
Developing Educators Throughout Their Careers: Evaluation of the Rio Grande Valley Center for Teaching and Leading Excellence: Executive Summary
The Center aimed to strengthen support for new teachers, teacher leaders, and school leaders and to raise the quality of teaching for students in one of the poorest regions in…
Developing Educators Throughout Their Careers: Evaluation of the Rio Grande Valley Center for Teaching and Leading Excellence: Final Report
SRI conducted the independent evaluation of this i3 development grant. The evaluation tracked implementation fidelity of new teacher training and teacher leader training over the 3 years of implementation under…
Evaluation of the Florida Master Teacher Initiative Final Evaluation Findings
The purpose of this study was to examine the impact of the Florida Master Teacher Initiative (FMTI)–an i3-funded early learning program aimed at improving the quality of teaching and student…
Evaluation of the Human Resources Pilot: Final Report
SRI Education conducted longitudinal case studies of the three pilot districts, examining changes in policy and practices under key levers and factors shaping variation in implementation, including leadership, labor management…
Research Brief: Early Implementation of the Massachusetts Educator Evaluation Framework
SRI International and its research partners Abt Associates, Nancy Brigham Associates, and J. Koppich and Associates are evaluating the implementation of the new Massachusetts Educator Evaluation Framework.
Evaluation of the Florida Master Teacher Initiative second formative report
The Florida Master Teacher Initiative (FMTI) partners have developed and implemented for 2 years a set of strategic programs to enhance early learning instruction for high-need students.
Shaping Professional Development to Promote the Diffusion of Instructional Expertise among Teachers
This study examines how high-quality professional development can promote the diffusion of effective teaching strategies among teachers through collaboration.
Dynalabs for Teachers to Collaborate on Pedagogical Strategies
We report on new tools for teachers to construct, share, and iteratively refine idealized dialogues with imagined students.
DynaLogue: Teacher Candidates Collaborating to Learn and Teach Proportional Reasoning
This demonstration focuses on one aspect of this hands-on curriculum, DynaLogue.